The function generates stability scores for a vector of packages. If passing a large number of packages, be prepared for the function to run for a considerable amount of time.

repo_stability(pkgs, releases = NULL, months = NULL)



A vector of package names.


An integer number of releases to assess. The function will then limit the scope of the assessment to the specified number of releases.


An integer number of months from the current date. The function will then limit the scope of the assessment to the specified number of months.


A data frame of information regarding the stability of each package in the input vector.


To assess stability for a package, pkgdiff has to compare all releases of a package, and identify breaking changes between each release. This comparison takes time, especially for packages that have been active for many years.

Therefore, the first step of the function is to compare all releases for each package in the input vector. The function will send messages to the console to let you know which package it is currently comparing. These messages will let you know how far the function is through the processing.

Once all the comparisons are completed, the function will return a data frame summary of stability results. The data frame will have one row for each package in the input vector. The data frame will also show some information about the comparison, and give a stability assessment for each package. The data frame columns are as follows:

  • Package: The package name.

  • FV: The first version of the package.

  • LV: The last version of the package.

  • FR: The first release date of the package.

  • LR: The last release date of the package.

  • TR: The total number of releases.

  • BR: The number of breaking releases.

  • Score: The stability score.

  • Assessment: The stability assessment.

To learn how the package stability score and assessment are calculated, see vignette("pkgdiff-stability"). Additional information is included in the documentation of the pkg_stability function.

If a package is not found in the package cache, the function will download and compare each version of the package on CRAN. This process may increase the processing time. See vignette("pkg-cache") and pkg_cache for additional information.

If a package does not exist on CRAN, a row for that package will still be returned. However, all data values will be NA. This situation may occur if a package exists on Github, but has not yet been submitted to CRAN. The pkgdiff stability functions only work with packages that have been published to CRAN.

See also


# Create vector of packages
vct <- c("curl", "dplyr", "rvest", "tidymodels")

# Get stablity scores
res <- repo_stability(vct)
# Getting stability score for package 'curl'...
# Getting stability score for package 'dplyr'...
# Getting stability score for package 'rvest'...
# Getting stability score for package 'tidymodels'...

# View stability results
# A repo stability object
# - Run Datetime: 2025-03-01 17:53 UTC
# - Summary:
#   Package    FV    LV         FR         LR TR BR Score        Assessment
# 1       curl   0.2 6.2.1 2014-11-20 2025-02-19 51  1  98.0       Very Stable
# 2      dplyr   0.1 1.1.4 2014-01-16 2023-11-17 45 20  87.5 Somewhat Unstable
# 3      rvest 0.1.0 1.0.4 2014-11-22 2024-02-12 14  4  93.2            Stable
# 4 tidymodels 0.0.1 1.3.0 2018-07-27 2025-02-21 14  0 100.0           Perfect