Print routine for a package info object of class "pinfo".

# S3 method for class 'pinfo'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The package info to print.


Follow-on parameters to the print function.


Whether to print all function names or not. Default is FALSE. When FALSE, only a count of the functions will be printed.


The package info object, invisibly.


# Capture package info
res <- pkg_info("patchwork")

# View package info
# # A package info object: patchwork package
# - Version: v1.3.0
# - Release Date: 2024-09-16
# - Title: The Composer of Plots
# - Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen <>
#   - License: MIT + file LICENSE
# - Description: The 'ggplot2' package provides a strong API for sequentially
# building up a plot, but does not concern itself with composition of multiple
# plots. 'patchwork' is a package that expands the API to allow for
# arbitrarily complex composition of plots by, among others, providing
# mathematical operators for combining multiple plots. Other packages that try
# to address this need (but with a different approach) are 'gridExtra' and
# 'cowplot'.
# - Imports: ggplot2 (>= 3.0.0), gtable, grid, stats, grDevices, utils,
# graphics, rlang (>= 1.0.0), cli, farver
# - Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, gridGraphics, gridExtra, ragg,
# testthat (>= 2.1.0), vdiffr, covr, png, gt (>= 0.11.0)
# - Downloads/Month: 239555
# - Repository: CRAN
# - Cached: TRUE
# - Functions: 90